lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010

Phentramin-D Reviews

Phentramin-d reviewed at Check phentramin-d reviews, why phentramin-d is the best diet pill for weight loss which you can buy online without prescription.

What makes Phentramin-d the Best Non-Prescription Diet Pill?
In order to truly understand the benefits of Phentramin-D, it is important to learn about it and understand its various levels – what makes it great? Phentramin-D is the leading drug for weight loss through fat-burning as an alternative to Phentermine.
Phentramin-D – The top diet pill in 2008
Phentramin-D reached an enormous level of recommendation, even over the original drug, Phentramin, due to its higher level of efficacy. Among the many diet pills that are currently in use, it is Phentramin-D that fulfills the goals of the people who used them.
Faster Weight Loss
Phentramin-D was not made available to the public until it passed a significant number of trials and scientific studies. Not only were doctors and other members of the medical communities impressed with the results, but so were many overweight customers. This is unique in the weight loss drug industry because the Phentramin-D’s formula is capable of boosting the user’s energy and suppressing the appetite, but without any of Phentermine’s strong and unpleasant side effects.
Some studies have shown that 95 percent of interviewed Phentramin-D customers would agree that there was no doubt that Phentramin-D is superior in its efficacy to the original Phentramin weight loss and appetite suppressant drug.

Phentramin-D Hydrocloride – What is it?
The full line of Phentramin products has experienced a substantial evolution since the FDA banned Phentermine and Phentramin was first developed by Lazarus Labs, LLC. Phentramin-D is the latest and most improved version of Phentramin. Phentramin-D goes above and beyond the first Phentramin product as it has removed the necessity for inadequate herbals such as guarana and hoodia, producing a singularly effective weight loss formula that can increase the body’s metabolic rates, allowing for a Phentermine-like fat burning ability, as well as hunger suppression.
Phentramin-D – How does it work?
Phentramin-D reaches a new level to make certain that its users always have the weight loss formula with the greatest effectiveness. This is accomplished through the combination of strong compounds of a pharmaceutical-grade. The result is an easier weight loss that is free of stress as its chemistry ensures compatibility between the ingredients of Phentramin-D and the human body.
Phentramin-D is able to duplicate the effectiveness of Phentermine’s prescription-level hunger suppression and weight loss effects, without the harsh side effects that the majority of its users had experienced. The reason that Phentramin-D is capable of accomplishing this is due to the neurological processes in the brain called 1,3-dimethypentylamine hydrochloride and 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine.
The 1,3-dimethypentylamine hydrochloride and 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine brain processes are cyclic amp boosters which are capable of suppressing the appetite and increasing the energy levels of the user; both very important benefits for effective weight loss. It means that hunger won’t be as much of an issue when bringing the food intake level down to a healthy weight loss level, and the user has more than enough energy to tackle fat burning workouts. Both Lazarus Labs and Phentramin-D believe that it is very important to enjoy the exercise portion of a weight loss program, so this becomes a critical feature of a worthwhile diet pill.
The power to lose weight is within you, and you can give yourself an enormous advantage through Phentramin-D.
Phentramin-D Active Ingredients
• 1,3,7-Trimethylxanthine
• 1,3-Dimethypentylamine
The suggested dosage of Phentramin-D is 1 capsule. However, it is important to receive the advice of a medical professional before choosing the amount of this drug.
The marvel of the Phentramin-D drug is in its effectiveness and simplicity. This being said, it reminds a serious diet pill. However, at the same time, it accomplishes its goal with a minimum of essentials. Many other diet pills that are currently available attempt to pad their nutrition facts chart using the largest number of “proven” ingredients they can. Not only does this increase the number of side effects, but it does not in any way prove the actual efficacy of the drug. It’s better to be able to provide fast and effective results that will lead customers to want to back it than it is to try to fill the ingredients list with a long line of useless additives.
How to use Phentramin-D for best results
Careful studies have shown that the most effective way to take Phentramin-D is by swallowing one capsule with a glass of water, twenty minutes before eating breakfast and then again twenty minutes before eating lunch. It is also recommended that users take advantage of the added energy and lowered appetite from Phentramin-D and eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.
Where to get Phentramin-D
It’s simple to purchase Phentramin-D online due to its safety and efficacy. Unlike Phentermine, which was banned by the FDA in order to protect people from the unpleasant side effects which impacted the nervous system, Phentramin-D provides the same powerful weight loss without the damaging side effects.
Remember, though, that it is important to speak to your doctor before beginning any weight loss program. This will help you to be certain that Phentramin-D is the right choice for you. You will also be able to gauge the perfect diet and exercise program for your body’s unique needs. By progressing with your weight loss in this way, you’ll have the most effective, healthiest results. Phentramin-D is a drug, and as safe as it is, it should be taken seriously.
Start your successful weight loss today with Phentramin-D to help you the entire time.

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

Exotic foods that can kill you

Dishes like the puffer fish, some kinds of mushrooms and berries are culinary delicacies that exotic foods can cause poisoning and death in certain cases. The chemical properties of these living beings become not recommended intake for individuals.
However, in some cases, the same risk makes exotic foods, expensive and coveted. Some are as common as cherries and others, as rare as the fish Lagocephalus sceleratus.
According to internet sites and, Bullfrog and puffer fish are two of the most exquisite dishes and international cuisine dangerous.
Globo Fish
It is an iconic dish of great value in Japanese cuisine. Under proper preparation is a delicacy. However, 60 percent of consumers does cause death, reports the website This occurs if the chemical is ingested Tetrodotoxin, which is scattered throughout much of the animal's body.
Because of the risk involved in eating, only allowed the chefs to cook more prepared, who receive an education and a special certificate.

Exotic foods that can kill you

The Tetrodotoxin causes muscle paralysis, affect speech, lowers blood pressure, causing seizures, arrhythmias, mental disability and death. The first symptom of intoxication is a slight numbness just before turning the time of eating puffer fish, and the exotic food that can kill you.

Exotic Food: Sannakji

This is a Korean dish made with chunks of raw baby octopus seasoned with sesame and sesame oil. Their preparation is done with the octopus still alive and this exotic food that can kill you Simply cut them into pieces, seasoned and they are served. Arriving at the table, the food continues its tentacles writhing and still work.
The danger is that the tentacles suck into the mouth and throat of the feeder. To avoid this, it is recommended to thoroughly chew each mouthful. However, there are people who like to feel the movement of food into your mouth and swallow without chewing enough.

Exotic Food:Bullfrog

It is considered a pounding in several regions of Africa, including Namibia. Contrary to the Western tradition, that they eat only the legs of the frog, in Africa it is customary to eat the whole animal. Secretions from the skin of these amphibians are harmful to the kidneys. The kidney failure can trigger producing death.

Exotic Food:Cherries

Seemingly harmless, these sweet-tasting fruits contain high price cyanogenic glycosides in the seeds that produce a powerful poison called cyanide. When taken, this substance causes a fatal respiratory paralysis. Deaths from eating cherries are rare, however, it is useful to remember not to chew or suck their seeds.

Exotic Food:Almonds

Seed is in itself, comprising a significant amount of hydrogen cyanide, a cyanide-producing substance. The world's most popular poison often left, in fact the smell of almonds in their deaths. The and this exotic food that can kill you for her toxicity of the beans is removed in a manner so simple as it warms.
However, rancid almonds and those that have not been processed for consumption can be highly poisonous and cause death.

Exotic Food: Fish Lagocephalus sceleratus

Known in English as Blaasop Silver Stripe (stripe silver fish ") is an inhabitant of the Indian Ocean and is considered a delicious dish in several regions of Asia. Their meat is tasty and edible, but their skin, liver and reproductive organs are highly poisonous to the people. Its ingestion causes muscle paralysis, difficulty breathing and circulation problems.

Exotic Food:Ackee

This fruit native to Jamaica is delicious when ripe, but it becomes fatal if it is "green."
"Between November 2000 and March 2001 were recorded in two communes of the department of Nord in Haiti, at least 80 cases of an acute phenomenon characterized by continuous vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of consciousness, seizures, and severe cases, and this exotic food that can kill you, "said a statement from the United Nations.

Exotic Food:Mushrooms

Among its many varieties, there are fungi that have hallucinogenic properties and others that are poisonous, even fatal. The recommended approach is to not eat them in the wild, it is not always easy to distinguish from each other.

martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

Water for Loss Weight

The elixir weight loss no prescription required, no side effects and costs almost nothing. A group of U.S. researchers recently noted, first, that 'silver bullet' healthy weight loss is to drink tap water before each meal.
Brenda Davy, Department of Human Nutrition, Nutrition and Exercise at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg (Virginia) has released the results of this trial during the celebration, this week in Boston, the Annual Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS , its acronym in English).
This specialist ensures "that our most important finding in a study we have shown that consumption of water (two glasses) before each main meal can facilitate weight loss among middle-aged and older." In previous work "we found that those who drank just before a meal ate an average of 75 to 90 calories less. Now, in this latest, we found that in the course of 12 weeks, dieters and also drink water before each meal, three times a day, lost about two kilos and a half more than those who do not increase fluid intake. "
Water for Loss Weight

Specifically, the study included 48 adults, with an average age between 55 and 75, who were divided into two groups. So, despite all followed a low calorie diet over three months, one group added two glasses of water before meals and the other did not follow this recommendation. After the time trial, drinkers lost weight and bout seven kilos, compared with nearly five 'were removed from above "those who did not drink.
Dr. Davy said that "everyday experience has suggested that water can help promote weight loss. But until now there was no scientific data on the subject. Previous studies have suggested that water before meals reduces the intake of calories. However, lacking the 'gold standard' of scientific evidence: a randomized, controlled trial comparing weight loss among dieters and drink before meals and those who do not. "
Advocates also that "water can be as effective simply because it fills the stomach with a substance that has no calories and, moreover, the person takes in fewer calories. Surely, increase your intake can also help people lose weight if is the replacement for sweetened beverages. "
As for the possibility that the use of drinks 'light' has the same effect as water, American researcher acknowledges that "we have not discussed this in our research, but other scientists have found that if the intake of this type drinks, free of calories, genereal reduce caloric intake at meals, and may also increase weight loss over time. "

viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010

Follow the diet of baby food is dangerous, say experts

The "baby diet" became popular by actresses like Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Pitt's ex, and consists of eating 14 servings of baby food followed by a healthy dinner.
But according to experts of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition, is dangerous because it threatens the health, has no scientific basis and is the furthest thing from a healthy diet.
They explain that may mislead the public, which could suggest that children can lose weight eating strained when in fact refers to the diet similar special formulas to baby diet based porridge oats, fruit and vegetables.
Baby diet

According to specialists, anyone can lose weight doing any of these baby diets, "miracle" in which calorie intake is well below the need for an adult, but that does not mean that the weight to be retained once the diet.
Moreover, say that one recovers the kilos down, and there are times when you win many more of those who had at first.
There is also a belief among the elderly in the jars of baby food can be replaced by adult food when in fact, say the experts "these preparations are designed for what they are, for children with a bulk or weight much smaller than an adult. "

jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010

Amphetamines may impair the body's main artery

These drugs impede the beating of the heart and may increase blood pressure, which means that in areas where abuse of amphetamine is more common, there are major consequences for public health.
Young adults who abuse amphetamines may be more likely to suffer an injury often lethal in the main artery of the body, called the aorta, U.S. researchers report.
A study of the medical records of 31 million people aged 18 to 49 years hospitalized between 1995 and 2007 revealed that those who had abused amphetamine were three times as likely to have what is called an aortic dissection, said the team University of Texas.
There is widespread abuse of amphetamine, although the substance is used legitimately to treat attention deficit disorder, narcolepsy and other sleep disorders. They can also help in weight loss.

Amphetamines and the main artery

Drugs difficult heartbeat and can increase blood pressure. Researchers previously found that could increase the risk of heart attack and some suspected that drug abuse can also cause lesions in the aorta.
In an article published in American Heart Journal, Dr. Arthur Westover and his colleagues said they also reviewed the medical records of more than 49 million people over 50 years during the same period.
"We found that the frequency of aortic dissection is increasing among young adults, but not in older children," Westover said in a statement. "It is unclear why," he added.
"When looking for a possible cause, doctors should monitor amphetamine abuse in young people with aortic dissection," said the expert.
The records of patients from California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington state showed three times more cases of aortic dissection related to amphetamine abuse among young adults. These states also have higher average rates of abuse of the drug, said Westover."This shows that in areas where amphetamine abuse is more common, there are major public health consequences," said the researcher.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the illegal consumption of amphetamine and methamphetamine in the United States is getting worse.
In 1992, about 21,000 people admitted to hospitals for treatment for abuse of amphetamine or methamphetamine. In 2004, that number rose to 150,000.

sábado, 14 de agosto de 2010

Lose weight with eight simple steps

The metabolism of each person depends on their genetics but also their lifestyle (diet and physical activity). Drastic diets, continuing adequate and often rebound significantly harm our metabolic system, which actually works much better when you eat more times a day in moderate amounts.
All we have ever used the phrase "I have a slow metabolism" or, conversely, "My metabolism is very grateful." I think of such persons, although it is true that with age, becoming harder to lose weight and fat accumulates easily, also is true that I care what I eat and exercise regularly which undoubtedly remains streamlined my metabolic functioning.

 Lost Weight easily

Recommendations to change the metabolism:

Decreases processed sugar. White or refined sugar and all foods containing it (sliced bread, cold cuts, yogurt, fast food, cooked, canned, canned juices, soft drinks ...) have a negative effect on metabolism.
Eat more. Restrictive diets, skipping meals, too lengthen the time between intake and intake also impairs the metabolism. The ideal for lost weigh easily is to make three main meals with two snacks between meals. But if your daily energy expenditure is high, you could eat even more times.

Greener. Less sugar and more fruits, vegetables, sprouts, vegetable protein, fish and meat in moderation and healthy fats will help you lose weight easily.
Eat more fiber for lost weigh easily. Replace the bread, pasta and rice for their integral versions. Accompany with vegetables and healthy fats like olive oil.
Combine food thoroughly for lost weigh easily. Avoid mixing proteins with saturated fat, turns his eyes back to olive oil, nuts, avocado or sunflower oil. Evita also sausages and cheese (only the defatted). Fats, avoid combining with sugars: for example, put him only bread jam, no butter.
Change the coffee for green tea. Black tea and coffee stimulate the production of insulin by the pancreas, which increases your desire for sweet. Green tea has thermogenic action, ie, which helps burn fat.
Outside snuff and alcohol. Both alter the metabolic functioning and alcohol also gives you lots of empty calories.
Take guarana. This Amazonian fruit is a good ally to lose weight by reducing hunger, increasing his level of satiety and active metabolism. That yes, if you are taking prior consultation with an expert, may have incompatibilities with certain diseases such as hypertension.
Exercise for lost weigh easily. It is one of the most effective weapons paer imposition of the metabolism. And everything matters, from the session in the gym to walking up the subway stairs.

martes, 10 de agosto de 2010

Rapid weight loss is good for health

Experts review the recommendation to eliminate extra kilos slowly is the best for maintaining weight loss.
Who wants to be at peace with your body and must be tired of hearing that it is best to lose weight slowly and gradually to ensure the maintenance of the outcome in the future.
However, a review presented at the 11th International Congress on Obesity, held in Stockholm, Sweden, claims to eliminate extra kilos quickly is the best bet.
Jeroen Barte scientist, National Institute of Public Health and Environment of the Netherlands, said that, in reaching that conclusion, were analyzed 12 studies with 1,000 participants above their weight.
Thinning programs lasted ten weeks and a year and a half and, after a year of completion of work, volunteers were weighed again. Those who lost more weight initially showed better results in the long term.
Will Williams, the company's All About Weight (in free translation, All About Weight), the UK, said the study for the site Female First and said eliminating extra kilos more quickly motivates people to continue the process . He added that it is essential to follow diets that provide all essential nutrients. Otherwise, they lose muscle tissue and water.

viernes, 6 de agosto de 2010

All the benefits of coffee for health

Distributed so far to improve their qualities alertness and stimulate mental performance, the presence of antioxidants in this tea is helpful for the body.
Virtuoso for their ability to awaken the senses of taste and smell, coffee is one of the most widespread and consumed beverage worldwide.
At present, there is scientific evidence increasingly accepted that moderate coffee consumption is good for health because, among other benefits, increases alertness and stimulates mental performance.
Also, one of the key attributes of coffee is the presence of antioxidants that provide benefits to our body. Oxygen, essential for human life, constantly interacts with the cells of our body. In some cases, creates reactions that can damage our body tissues due to the formation of free radicals are molecules that have to give oxygen and are highly reactive and unstable.

Benefits of coffee for health

In this sense, the body has to clear these radicals to avoid causing damage to cells. The defense against them are antioxidants, which are compounds that neutralize free radicals and protect the body against degenerative diseases. Some are produced in the body and are present in food.
Coffee is the richest source of phenolic acids from beverages consumed regularly, such as apple juice, orange, red wine or black and green teas. A 200 ml cup of coffee provides between 70 and 350 mg of chlorogenic acid with antioxidant capacity, allowing it to trap free radicals.
Also, coffee consumption brings with it other benefits. It helps to meet the daily requirement of liquid and allows the body weight and care that hardly any calories. When eaten with milk helps meet the daily intake of protein and minerals such as calcium. And also provides potassium, which is responsible for regulating the balance of water in our body, besides being an essential nutrient for proper muscle contraction and cardiac function.