viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010

Follow the diet of baby food is dangerous, say experts

The "baby diet" became popular by actresses like Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Pitt's ex, and consists of eating 14 servings of baby food followed by a healthy dinner.
But according to experts of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition, is dangerous because it threatens the health, has no scientific basis and is the furthest thing from a healthy diet.
They explain that may mislead the public, which could suggest that children can lose weight eating strained when in fact refers to the diet similar special formulas to baby diet based porridge oats, fruit and vegetables.
Baby diet

According to specialists, anyone can lose weight doing any of these baby diets, "miracle" in which calorie intake is well below the need for an adult, but that does not mean that the weight to be retained once the diet.
Moreover, say that one recovers the kilos down, and there are times when you win many more of those who had at first.
There is also a belief among the elderly in the jars of baby food can be replaced by adult food when in fact, say the experts "these preparations are designed for what they are, for children with a bulk or weight much smaller than an adult. "

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