sábado, 14 de agosto de 2010

Lose weight with eight simple steps

The metabolism of each person depends on their genetics but also their lifestyle (diet and physical activity). Drastic diets, continuing adequate and often rebound significantly harm our metabolic system, which actually works much better when you eat more times a day in moderate amounts.
All we have ever used the phrase "I have a slow metabolism" or, conversely, "My metabolism is very grateful." I think of such persons, although it is true that with age, becoming harder to lose weight and fat accumulates easily, also is true that I care what I eat and exercise regularly which undoubtedly remains streamlined my metabolic functioning.

 Lost Weight easily

Recommendations to change the metabolism:

Decreases processed sugar. White or refined sugar and all foods containing it (sliced bread, cold cuts, yogurt, fast food, cooked, canned, canned juices, soft drinks ...) have a negative effect on metabolism.
Eat more. Restrictive diets, skipping meals, too lengthen the time between intake and intake also impairs the metabolism. The ideal for lost weigh easily is to make three main meals with two snacks between meals. But if your daily energy expenditure is high, you could eat even more times.

Greener. Less sugar and more fruits, vegetables, sprouts, vegetable protein, fish and meat in moderation and healthy fats will help you lose weight easily.
Eat more fiber for lost weigh easily. Replace the bread, pasta and rice for their integral versions. Accompany with vegetables and healthy fats like olive oil.
Combine food thoroughly for lost weigh easily. Avoid mixing proteins with saturated fat, turns his eyes back to olive oil, nuts, avocado or sunflower oil. Evita also sausages and cheese (only the defatted). Fats, avoid combining with sugars: for example, put him only bread jam, no butter.
Change the coffee for green tea. Black tea and coffee stimulate the production of insulin by the pancreas, which increases your desire for sweet. Green tea has thermogenic action, ie, which helps burn fat.
Outside snuff and alcohol. Both alter the metabolic functioning and alcohol also gives you lots of empty calories.
Take guarana. This Amazonian fruit is a good ally to lose weight by reducing hunger, increasing his level of satiety and active metabolism. That yes, if you are taking prior consultation with an expert, may have incompatibilities with certain diseases such as hypertension.
Exercise for lost weigh easily. It is one of the most effective weapons paer imposition of the metabolism. And everything matters, from the session in the gym to walking up the subway stairs.

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