jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

Exotic foods that can kill you

Dishes like the puffer fish, some kinds of mushrooms and berries are culinary delicacies that exotic foods can cause poisoning and death in certain cases. The chemical properties of these living beings become not recommended intake for individuals.
However, in some cases, the same risk makes exotic foods, expensive and coveted. Some are as common as cherries and others, as rare as the fish Lagocephalus sceleratus.
According to internet sites and Huffingtonpost.com Webcoist.com, Bullfrog and puffer fish are two of the most exquisite dishes and international cuisine dangerous.
Globo Fish
It is an iconic dish of great value in Japanese cuisine. Under proper preparation is a delicacy. However, 60 percent of consumers does cause death, reports the website Mascotas.com. This occurs if the chemical is ingested Tetrodotoxin, which is scattered throughout much of the animal's body.
Because of the risk involved in eating, only allowed the chefs to cook more prepared, who receive an education and a special certificate.

Exotic foods that can kill you

The Tetrodotoxin causes muscle paralysis, affect speech, lowers blood pressure, causing seizures, arrhythmias, mental disability and death. The first symptom of intoxication is a slight numbness just before turning the time of eating puffer fish, and the exotic food that can kill you.

Exotic Food: Sannakji

This is a Korean dish made with chunks of raw baby octopus seasoned with sesame and sesame oil. Their preparation is done with the octopus still alive and this exotic food that can kill you Simply cut them into pieces, seasoned and they are served. Arriving at the table, the food continues its tentacles writhing and still work.
The danger is that the tentacles suck into the mouth and throat of the feeder. To avoid this, it is recommended to thoroughly chew each mouthful. However, there are people who like to feel the movement of food into your mouth and swallow without chewing enough.

Exotic Food:Bullfrog

It is considered a pounding in several regions of Africa, including Namibia. Contrary to the Western tradition, that they eat only the legs of the frog, in Africa it is customary to eat the whole animal. Secretions from the skin of these amphibians are harmful to the kidneys. The kidney failure can trigger producing death.

Exotic Food:Cherries

Seemingly harmless, these sweet-tasting fruits contain high price cyanogenic glycosides in the seeds that produce a powerful poison called cyanide. When taken, this substance causes a fatal respiratory paralysis. Deaths from eating cherries are rare, however, it is useful to remember not to chew or suck their seeds.

Exotic Food:Almonds

Seed is in itself, comprising a significant amount of hydrogen cyanide, a cyanide-producing substance. The world's most popular poison often left, in fact the smell of almonds in their deaths. The and this exotic food that can kill you for her toxicity of the beans is removed in a manner so simple as it warms.
However, rancid almonds and those that have not been processed for consumption can be highly poisonous and cause death.

Exotic Food: Fish Lagocephalus sceleratus

Known in English as Blaasop Silver Stripe (stripe silver fish ") is an inhabitant of the Indian Ocean and is considered a delicious dish in several regions of Asia. Their meat is tasty and edible, but their skin, liver and reproductive organs are highly poisonous to the people. Its ingestion causes muscle paralysis, difficulty breathing and circulation problems.

Exotic Food:Ackee

This fruit native to Jamaica is delicious when ripe, but it becomes fatal if it is "green."
"Between November 2000 and March 2001 were recorded in two communes of the department of Nord in Haiti, at least 80 cases of an acute phenomenon characterized by continuous vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of consciousness, seizures, and severe cases, and this exotic food that can kill you, "said a statement from the United Nations.

Exotic Food:Mushrooms

Among its many varieties, there are fungi that have hallucinogenic properties and others that are poisonous, even fatal. The recommended approach is to not eat them in the wild, it is not always easy to distinguish from each other.

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