martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

Water for Loss Weight

The elixir weight loss no prescription required, no side effects and costs almost nothing. A group of U.S. researchers recently noted, first, that 'silver bullet' healthy weight loss is to drink tap water before each meal.
Brenda Davy, Department of Human Nutrition, Nutrition and Exercise at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg (Virginia) has released the results of this trial during the celebration, this week in Boston, the Annual Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS , its acronym in English).
This specialist ensures "that our most important finding in a study we have shown that consumption of water (two glasses) before each main meal can facilitate weight loss among middle-aged and older." In previous work "we found that those who drank just before a meal ate an average of 75 to 90 calories less. Now, in this latest, we found that in the course of 12 weeks, dieters and also drink water before each meal, three times a day, lost about two kilos and a half more than those who do not increase fluid intake. "
Water for Loss Weight

Specifically, the study included 48 adults, with an average age between 55 and 75, who were divided into two groups. So, despite all followed a low calorie diet over three months, one group added two glasses of water before meals and the other did not follow this recommendation. After the time trial, drinkers lost weight and bout seven kilos, compared with nearly five 'were removed from above "those who did not drink.
Dr. Davy said that "everyday experience has suggested that water can help promote weight loss. But until now there was no scientific data on the subject. Previous studies have suggested that water before meals reduces the intake of calories. However, lacking the 'gold standard' of scientific evidence: a randomized, controlled trial comparing weight loss among dieters and drink before meals and those who do not. "
Advocates also that "water can be as effective simply because it fills the stomach with a substance that has no calories and, moreover, the person takes in fewer calories. Surely, increase your intake can also help people lose weight if is the replacement for sweetened beverages. "
As for the possibility that the use of drinks 'light' has the same effect as water, American researcher acknowledges that "we have not discussed this in our research, but other scientists have found that if the intake of this type drinks, free of calories, genereal reduce caloric intake at meals, and may also increase weight loss over time. "

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