miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

The diet fo the moon

Diet of the Moon

Changes in our astro influence our lives in a positive way. New and Full Moon are a good opportunity to use that influence of the moon on our body, so that will help you lose weight and detoxify your body.

To maintain weight and they do not return those extra kilos lost during complete fasting the New and Full Moon, I recommend a maintenance diet (see maintenance diet).
In the waning days of First Quarter and what is done is a medium fast (see half fast), these days you can add the liquid a few other foods.


One of the factors influencing the weight loss is the ability of our body to absorb water and this is linked to the force of attraction of the moon on the fluids, and even more so when the moon changes phases moon diet for lost weight. That is, this diet is based on the theory that the body fluids tend to follow the rhythms of the tides, and as we know, are caused by the influence of the moon. The Moon Diet consists in making a fast for 26 hours after the change of phases of the moon (see the influence of each phase), ie a full day plus 2 hours. During this period, to fast and drink plenty of fluids. The effect is to detoxify the body and get up to 2 kg

The stages where you lose weight but are the full moon and new moon. The waxing and waning is to keep the weight so perhaps in these lunar months do not go down too.It is important to be weighed before starting and after finishing fast to keep track of what has been achieved down.
This diet is not dangerous because it is a fast, also always recommend that if in doubt consult a physician especially if you suffer from diabetes moon diet for lost weight..


(26 hours)


    * If you want mineral water, at least 2 liters (maybe if drinking tap water)
    * If any tea, regular tea, flavored tea, mate, mate.
    * If natural fruit juices completely filtered, ie without pulp (fiber).
    * IF NOT always packed juices contain added sugar.
    * If permitted the use of sweeteners (no abuse).
    * IF FILTERED homemade vegetable broth (liquid only).

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

Lowering carbohydrates, to preventing fatty liver disease

Those who are overweight have more chance of developing this chronic condition whose prevalence is increasing especially in Western countries. They are also at increased risk who have cholesterol levels above the ideal or desired.
Fatty liver disease, also called hepatic steatosis is an inflammatory condition of chronic metabolic that occurs primarily in people with overweight and obesity because it is generated as a result of the accumulation of fat in liver cells.
 In its chronic nature, this disease will evolve over the years, increasing the chance of developing liver failure or cirrhosis. On the other hand, people who suffer from this disease often have abnormal sugar metabolism and fat as well as high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. However, according to experts, this risk can be reduced by limiting intake of carbohydrates.

Diet Low in carbohydrates

"The non-alcoholic fatty liver (highest incidence) is a very common disease in Western countries because its development is related to sedentary lifestyle, but also with dietary and metabolic changes. So it is more common in people who are overweight or other conditions such as dyslipidemia (high cholesterol and blood fats) or diabetes, "he explained in a statement to PRO-HEALTH News Dr. Adrian Gadano, Chief of Hepatology Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires (HIBA) and the
Diet Low in carbohydrates

.On the other hand, the expert remarked that "fatty liver is a chronic condition that produces mild impairment of liver function and ultrasonographic views of men, women, children or adolescents who suffer and the
Diet Low in carbohydrates
Precisely, the ultrasonography or liver function is the best choice for the detection of this disease is asymptomatic and whose treatment is based primarily on the control of comorbidities and the realization of a diet low in fat and calorie  Diet Low in carbohydrates .
Diet to preventing fatty liver disease

"After the screening is necessary for the specialist to make a precise assessment to identify what factors are causing the condition, and then be able to implement the treatment includes changing eating habits but also the realization of physical activity and the
Diet Low in carbohydrates
. This is extremely important because we must not forget that although the percentage is small, there are a number of cases of changing fatty liver causing cirrhosis or advanced liver disease, "the doctor Gadano.

Some tips to keep in mind

- Do not lose and gain weight in a short time or repeatedly

- Replace cow's milk or yogurt similar

- Eliminate dietary animal fats, sugar and alcohol

- Try to include foods rich in fiber and antioxidants

- Use the lemon, mostly as a substitute for seasoning

lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2010

Obese men last longer in bed

The 'guilty' is a female hormone, they created a chemical imbalance in the body that makes your sex last longer.Fibrous bodies, however, are more likely to have premature ejaculation.
Overweight men have sex longer, while the bodies of fitness are prone to premature ejaculation, according to a study cited that Obese men last longer in bed.

Obese men last longer in bed

The investigation of the Erciyes University in Turkey has revealed that men and the Obese men last longer in bed.with excess body fat develop more female hormones that affect sexual performance.Men with high levels of fat have higher levels of estradiol, a female hormone that they created a chemical imbalance in the body that makes them last longer during sex and Obese men last longer in bed..
The study, conducted with patients with premature ejaculation problems, shows that overweight men last an average of 7.3 minutes while others lasted 1.8.

viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

The truth about food 'light'

When a product goes to market we now grow-light version, thank whoever came up with this brilliant idea, to think about ourselves and make life easier. But not everything is rosy with the light products. Discover the truth about diet foods in the following article.
Light products were introduced to market as an alternative to enjoy culinary pleasures without worrying about calories or going off the diet and the Diet Food Truth.
But beware, do not be fooled. Many times we do understand that light products not only fattening, but actually help you lose weight. This is not true. In the best case, a light product is less fattening than its current, but does not make you lose weight. Even so light can set a trap, since by the fact that light, we give permission to eat more or repetition with Diet Food Truth, eventually reaching the same or greater amount of calories that gives us a common product.
Diet Food Truth

Eat only light does not ensure products remain thin, and that we should not associate it with a light diet. Replace the use of mayonnaise, sauces, chocolates, ice cream, iand the Diet Food Truth, By their diet versions and make them part of our daily diet, only make the long run, weight gain, as these products should not be unusual in your pantry, but to be left for special occasions or when we want to give us a whim.
Naturally, those products needed for regular use and a balanced diet, including dairy, carbohydrates, or meat for example, we buy less calorie versions and thus help to reduce daily calories and Diet Food Truth.For example, milk, yogurt or cheese, we can replace their fat versions, which would represent the light version of these foods.Also, we may prefer comprehensive meal, which aid digestion and also deliver greater sense of satiety, which helps us eat less. So, opt for bread, cereals and pastas and is improtant known the Diet Food Truth.

The Diet Food

The meat can also be purchased in less calorie versions, for example, choosing lean cuts and areas of low animal fat, and privileging the consumption of fish on red dogs.Sugar consumption can also be reduced by replacing sugary foods such as breakfast cereals, on the other sugar free and sweetened with honey.In this way, we can significantly reduce our daily caloric intake. This type of food philosophy allows you to keep your calorie intake under control and in a safe and healthy, unlike the philosophy of light, which can often lead us into excess or deliver equal or greater amount of calories to our diet.

miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

Benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables

According to scientists, a new study showed that a healthy diet can have a positive effect on the heart and circulatory system. The diet known as Dietary Ways to Stop Hypertension (DASH) includes large amounts of fruits and vegetables in the Benefits of a fruits diet. Only allow low-fat dairy products, while reducing the consumption of meat and sugar.

Benefits of a fruits diet

"Our work shows that modifying the diet can have multiple benefits beyond changes in traditional risk factors like blood pressure and cholesterol and the Benefits of a fruits diet," a statement said Lawrence Appel, director of the study Hospkins Johns University in Baltimore, United States.
"To get the Benefits of a fruits diet, people should maintain a balanced diet. Do not eat enough fruits and vegetables from time to time, while consuming large amounts of fatty foods," said Appel, whose studies were published in the journal Circulation Association U.S. Cardiology. The researchers developed the DASH diet after discovering that vegetarians had a lower risk of heart disease.

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010

Poor sleep affects teenagers' diets

Teens who sleep less than eight hours per day eat more fatty foods than those who rely most of the time per night, said a group of U.S. researchers.The experts argued that sleep deprivation can cause chronic changes in the diet can raise the risk of obesity, especially among girls and the Teenagers' diets.Previous studies have shown that insufficient sleep can lead to weight gain, but new findings show where they come from the extra calories.Increase intake of fatty foods, which usually have more calories can increase the number of calories consumed daily, and if that occurs routinely, and the Teenagers' diets can lead to excess body fat.
"The demonstration of altered dietary patterns in adolescents chronically short sleepers gives an idea of why a little dream is associated with obesity in previous experimental studies," said Dr. Susan Redline, the Women's Hospital Brigham and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, whose study appears in the journal Sleep.

Teenagers' diets

Redline and her colleagues studied 240 adolescents aged 16 to 19 years who participated in a sleep study. His habits were monitored at home through a device placed in the wrist and food intake was estimated through interviews by trained personnel and the Teenagers' diets.The team found that teens who slept less than eight hours Monday to Friday consumed 2.2 percent more calories derived from fat and 3 percent fewer calories from carbohydrates that teens who slept eight hours or more .
"The relative increase in fat intake among those who slept less than 2.2 percent on a constant daily may contribute to cumulative increases in energy consumption could increase the risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease," Redline said in a statement.

Diet and Sleep

The team found that each additional hour of sleep decreased on average by 21 percent the chances of eating a high amount of calories through snacks in the Teenagers' diets.Interestingly, when they made the distinction by gender, the authors found that the results were statistically significant in girls but not boys.Although it is unclear why, the team said it may be that adolescents are more likely to use food for emotional reasons than boys, but that should be studied.Only 34 percent of teens who participated in the study slept an average of eight hours or more. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, adolescents need at least nine hours of sleep to feel alert and well rested and the Teenagers' diets..

viernes, 3 de septiembre de 2010

Diet Tips that follow celebrities to look beautiful

After the display look bright and beautiful. And, although many have not filled the need for cosmetic or aesthetic surgery use the naturalness of her beauty, celebrities also have their beauty tips that help them to be always beautiful.
Penelope Cruz taking care of your skin two liters of water per day and sleeping eight hours at least. Make exercise daily and eat plenty of vegetables and fruit.
Scarlett Johansson and her Celebrities Diet Tips choose to apply two bits of each cheek moisturizer after applying foundation.
Natalie Portman uses essential oils every time out of the shower and never forget to hydrate the skin with a sunscreen cream.
Celebrities Diet Tips

Elizabeth Hurley and her Celebrities Diet Tips has a fairly novel approach: he sleeps with the bedroom window open, she said, "give life and light to his face." Do not forget removing make up every night and practiced yoga four times a week.
It's not so difficult to give a neat and beautiful picture actresses in Hollywood for his Celebrities Diet Tips. We just need to keep track and follow the tips of beauty that most suit us according to our skin type.