jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

Lowering carbohydrates, to preventing fatty liver disease

Those who are overweight have more chance of developing this chronic condition whose prevalence is increasing especially in Western countries. They are also at increased risk who have cholesterol levels above the ideal or desired.
Fatty liver disease, also called hepatic steatosis is an inflammatory condition of chronic metabolic that occurs primarily in people with overweight and obesity because it is generated as a result of the accumulation of fat in liver cells.
 In its chronic nature, this disease will evolve over the years, increasing the chance of developing liver failure or cirrhosis. On the other hand, people who suffer from this disease often have abnormal sugar metabolism and fat as well as high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. However, according to experts, this risk can be reduced by limiting intake of carbohydrates.

Diet Low in carbohydrates

"The non-alcoholic fatty liver (highest incidence) is a very common disease in Western countries because its development is related to sedentary lifestyle, but also with dietary and metabolic changes. So it is more common in people who are overweight or other conditions such as dyslipidemia (high cholesterol and blood fats) or diabetes, "he explained in a statement to PRO-HEALTH News Dr. Adrian Gadano, Chief of Hepatology Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires (HIBA) and the
Diet Low in carbohydrates

.On the other hand, the expert remarked that "fatty liver is a chronic condition that produces mild impairment of liver function and ultrasonographic views of men, women, children or adolescents who suffer and the
Diet Low in carbohydrates
Precisely, the ultrasonography or liver function is the best choice for the detection of this disease is asymptomatic and whose treatment is based primarily on the control of comorbidities and the realization of a diet low in fat and calorie  Diet Low in carbohydrates .
Diet to preventing fatty liver disease

"After the screening is necessary for the specialist to make a precise assessment to identify what factors are causing the condition, and then be able to implement the treatment includes changing eating habits but also the realization of physical activity and the
Diet Low in carbohydrates
. This is extremely important because we must not forget that although the percentage is small, there are a number of cases of changing fatty liver causing cirrhosis or advanced liver disease, "the doctor Gadano.

Some tips to keep in mind

- Do not lose and gain weight in a short time or repeatedly

- Replace cow's milk or yogurt similar

- Eliminate dietary animal fats, sugar and alcohol

- Try to include foods rich in fiber and antioxidants

- Use the lemon, mostly as a substitute for seasoning

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